Rabu, 23 April 2014

Bahasa Inggris

Judul                          : HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH “GRAMMAR”
Penulis                        : HotBen D Lingga
Tahun                         : 2011
Sumber buku             : Bhuana Ilmu Populer (kelompok Gramedia)

Agreement/Concord adalah kesesuaian Antara sebuah subjek dengan kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat. Subjek dan kata kerja harus sesuai/cocok satu sama lain dalam jumlah (tunggal atau jamak). Karna itu, sebuah kalimat tanpa kesesuaian subjek dengan kata kerja dianggap tidak benar.
Beberapa aturan penting tentang kesesuaian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1.      Jika subjek kalimat tunggal, kata kerjanya juga tunggal. Jika subjeknya jamak, kata kerjanya juga harus jamak. Disini, kata kerja harus sesuai dengan subjek dalam jumlah dan person.
·         The boy is playing in the field.
·         The dog chase the cat.
·         Reyni lives in manado.
·         I am doing my homework.
·         The quality of the shoes is poor.

2.      Kata kerja harus sesuai dalam jumlah dan orang dengan subjek utama atau sebenarnya dari kalimat, yang kadang diikuti oleh sebuah frasa. Sebuah frasa atau klausa di antara subjek dan kata kerja tidak mengubah jumlah subjek.
·         The girl who is talking with the two fat guys is  my younger sister.
·         Srveral passengers, together with the driver were hurt in the accident.
·         The quality of shirts in the downtown shops is poor.
·         A can of lima beans sits on the shelf.
·         The Women who went to the meeting were bored.

3.      Jika subjek kalimat adalah sebuah frasa, kata kerja yang mengikutinya harus sesuai dengan kata benda utama dalam subjek tersebut.
·         Many leading members of the opposition party have tried to justify the decision.
·         The only excuse that he gave for his actions was that he was tired.

4.      Dua atau lebih subjek tunggal yang dihubungkan oleh “and” menggunakan kata kerja dalam bentuk jamak. Jika dua kata benda atau kata ganti dipisahkan oleh “and’, maka kita menggunakan kata kerja jamak. Jadi, subjek gabungan (compound subject) yang dihubungkan “and” selalu jamak.
·         Tony and his brother have come.
·         Books and pens are on the table.
·         Oil and water do not mix.
·         Santi and Runi are absent.
·         Johan and Tigor like to play soccer.

5.      Jika dua kata benda tunggal menunjuk pada orang atau benda yang sama(menyatakan satu ide), maka kata kerjanya harus tunggal. Jika bagian-bagian kalimat dianggap satu kesatuan/ide, subjeknya dianggap tunggal.
·         Slow and steady wins the race.
·         Curry and rice was his chief food.
·         Time and tide waits for no man.

6.      Jika dua subjek digabungkan oleh not only-but also, kata kerjanya sesuai dengan subjek yang kedua. Dua kata benda tunggal yang digabungkan oleh not only-but also menggunakan kata kerja tunggal.
·         Not only Indonesia but also the world feels the loss.
·         Not only silver but also gold is mined here.
·         Not only he but also his servants were invited to a feast.

7.      Jika dua subjek digabungkan oleh as well as, with, together with, in addition to, and not, kata kerjanya sesuai dengan subjek yang pertama.
·         The ship with its crew was lost.
·         I as well as you am to blame.
·         His sons as well as he were sent to jail.

8.      Beberapa kata ganti tidak tentu (indefinite pronouns) yang digunakan sebagai subjek menggunakan kata kerja tunggal, contoh :
each, either, neither, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything, one of, many a, more than one.
·         Each does a good deal of work aroundthe office.
·         One of the chairs was broken.
·         Every building has a guard office and intercome.
·         Many a sailors has lost his way in those waters.

9.      Kata ganti tak tentu jamak (plural indefinite pronouns) yang digunakan sebagai subjek menggunakan kata kerja jamak:
·         Several, few, both, many.
·         Both do a good deal of work around the office.

10.  Beberapa Indefinite pronouns bias menggunakan kata kerja tunggal atau jamak: jika digunakan dengan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), kata kerjanya tunggal; jika digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun), kata kerjanya jamak. Some, any, none, all, most.
·         Some of the sugar is on the floor. (sugar adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata kerja tunggal.)
·         Some of the marbles are on the floor. (marbles adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Karna itu, kalimat tersebut menggunakan kata kerja jamak.)

11.  Modifier seperti a lot of, lots of, some of, most of, none of, the rest of, dan lain-lain bias diikuti kata benda tunggal atau jamak. Jadi, menggunakan kata kerja tunggal atau jamak tergantung pada kata benda atau kata ganti dalam subjek yang dibatasi.
·         A lot of ink was spilled on her new dress.
·         A lot of girls were interested in learning to dance.
·         Lots of patience is needed, too.

12.  Jika kita menggunakan struktur there is/there are, kata kerjanya harus sesuai dengan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Namun dalam Bahasa inggris informal, “there’s” bias digunakan dengan subjek jamak.
·         There are many people in my class from Malaysia.
·         There’s a gun and a knife in his bag.
·         There’s a lot of weeds in my garden.

13.  Kata benda kolektif (collective noun) bias menggunakan kata kerja tunggal atau kata kerja jamak tergantung pada artinya. Jika collective noun digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kesatuan/keseluruhan, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah kata kerja tunggal. Jika digunakan “sebagai bagian yang terpisah dan bersifat individual”. Maka collective noun tersebut menggunakan kata kerja jamak. Contoh :  group, jury, crowd, team, audience, associate, class, club, collage, community, company, department, electorate, enemy, family, form, generation, govermrnt, orchestra, population, public, school, staff, university, dan nama-nama organisasi khusus seperti BBC, Sony, dan lain-lain.
·         The crew was large.
·         The crew were  asked to report on time.
·         The basket ball team have gone home.

14.  Beberapa kata benda berbentuk jamak dengan arti jamak menggunakan kata kerja jamak. Contoh: scissors, trousers, belongings, clothes, congratulations, goods, earnings, particulars, premises, riches, savings, stairs, surroundings, thanks, means, police, people, staff, bellows, braces, breeches, spectacles, tongs, remains.
·         Riches have wings.
·         My means have been reduced.
·         Your pants are exotic.

15.  Kata kerja tunggal digunakan setelah subjek jamak/gabungan untuk kalkulasi matematika. Kata benda jamak yang menyatakan jumlah/kuantitas tertentu sebagai suatu keseluruhan menggunakan kata kerja tunggal.
·         Fifteen minus five equals ten.
·         A hundred cent makes one dollar.
·         Sixty quintals is a huge weight.

Senin, 21 April 2014

My Story My Life

Precisely on the 24th of March 2013 in the morning, when the day of my week doing routine activities as usual. That is where I got up early morning. In the afternoon i plan to audition to sing in one mall in Jakarta, and then I went to the place with my sister. There are so many people who want to follow the audition. Initially I was not sure to try the audition, But my sister kept trying to convince me. Arrived when I sing it. sing a song that I like it is something that I want it. With very high confidence for the first time I did it. I am ready to accept any results. In the end did I just entered the top 15 of the audition. This might be my best experience despite failing to be a winner. Which is important in my life has ever done that I've done so far.

On 28 June 2011 probably something I will never forget in my life. How do I want an item without having to ask the parents. and I kept thinking how to earn money with their own results. arise in my mind when I have to look for a job. With great sincerity that I am looking for the job. end up with a very deep gratitude I get a job that can generate enough money. For a whole month I worked day and night with the goal I want to buy a desired item. With gratitude it was realized, with getting enough money I can buy the desired item even gave my parents money from my work. From here I think that if you want to get what you want try to get it with the confidence that you can.

On the 5th of February 2011 at which time it was my birthday. a girl giving a thing may be the first time I feel in life. she is my girlfriend. a surprise in the morning which makes me happy, to bring a gift and a birthday cake with my friends. I never thought that this could happen, a gift from someone who is not terpkirkan by me. This may be the first gift from someone who is not from my family. a matter that will not be forgotten along with people who I will never forget and will always be remembered.